Saturday, February 15, 2014 — Night Holds No Terror

This print hangs over the bed in the room that serves as our guest room. I found it years ago in a thrift store run by Project HOME here in Philadelphia. It reads, “Night holds no terror for me sleeping under God’s wings.”As I lay on the bed next to my two year old grandson several weeks ago trying to coax him into a nap, he pointed to the picture and said, “There’s Jesus!” I then asked him who Jesus was holding, and to my surprise Gabriel named a child that he had met only once before but who had been in distress.

As we prepare for evening rest, who would you like to place under the loving and protective wings of God?

Tonight, who most needs to feel that tender caress? The touch that brings calm even in the midst of the most turbulent storm?

Perhaps it is someone you love; or someone with whom you struggle. Or maybe you are the one needing to hear that steady heartbeat whispering, “I love you” over and over?

No need to worry…that wingspan has room for all.

And so tonight we pray:
Tender God, be near as we come to the end of this day.
Help us to feel your loving arms this night as we close our eyes.
Be with all who are alone or afraid;
draw close to those who have no place to lay their heads.
Receive the anxieties and fears that weigh heavy on our hearts;
and lead us into the morning light with renewed strength, hope, and joy
in your name.

Blessed night to all. Amen.

About Violet Cucciniello Little

Rev. Violet Cucciniello Little is minister of the Welcome Church, a church without walls in Philadelphia. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.