Thursday, February 20, 2014 — Holding On

And so, in the midst of the snow, the ice, the hanging trees, Nicholas has made his entrance into the world. He and his Grandpa got to hold on to each other.

Staring at my husband falling in love with this tiny baby, I could not help but wonder, what if God somehow holds on to us even as we hold on to God? The Word made flesh, a tiny baby holding on to humanity for nurture and support, while at the same time, as one old spiritual says, holding “the whole world in his (God’s) hands.”

The mystery of an all-powerful God who came to us in total vulnerability. A miracle indeed.

Cover Me with the Night
(Traditional Prayer from Ghana)

Come Lord
And cover us with the night
Spread your grace
Over us
As you assured us you would
Your promises are more
Than all the stars in the sky;
Your mercy is deeper than the night.
Lord it will be cold.
The night comes with its breath of death
Night comes; the end comes; You come
Lord we will wait for you day and night. Amen

About Violet Cucciniello Little

Rev. Violet Cucciniello Little is minister of the Welcome Church, a church without walls in Philadelphia. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.