Wednesday – ouch

Prayer:  Great God, I give You thanks and praise this day for the adventures that You will led me in!  Be with me in the words that I speak and the actions that I do.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Read Acts 16: 1-5

In this portion of Scripture, we meet a young believer named Timothy.  Having met Timothy,  Paul was impressed with Timothy’s knowledge of Scripture  and saw a young man with great gifts as a teacher.   In Acts 16: 1,  Luke tells us about Timothy.  This is important.  Timothy’s mother was  Jewish but Timothy’s father was Greek.     Was Timothy taught the Hebrew Scriptures and participated in the Jewish rites of passage?  We don’t know.   What we do know from the Book of Acts is Paul wanted Timothy as a companion.  But before they could start out on their adventures,  Paul circumcised Timothy.   This was the rite of passage for baby boys in the Judaic faith.  By Paul circumcising Timothy,  neither the Greek community nor the Jewish community could complain about him.   Smart Paul.


Prayer:  Help me,  O Lord,  not to complain about others.  Help me O Lord, to give my complaining to You so that I may continue to revel in Your glory.  In Christ’s name I pray.  Amen.