Troops of the Cloth

Re Remembering the Padres, November 2013

This article was of great interest to me due to my tenuous connection with Dr. Robert Lowder Seaborn (his sister was friends with my mother) and also because my grandfather, a Baptist minister, filled a similar capacity during the First World War when my mother was still in primary school. I was still very young when he died, and so I never heard anything of his experiences. However, I did know that my uncle, 10 years my mother’s senior, was among those in the trenches and was very seriously wounded at Passchendaele. How he managed it I don’t know, but my grandfather managed to reach his son and help him through the initial stages of his recovery, although for my uncle, that was the end of the war.
Thank you for bringing timely attention to the largely ignored service rendered our troops by those “of the cloth.”

About Denham Vining Dingle, Lindsay, Ont.