Troops of the Cloth

Re Remembering the Padres, November 2013

I too was pleased to see this article. Currently serving Canadian Forces chaplains of the Presbyterian persuasion would like to know that they are remembered and appreciated by their church. We presently have, and we have had over the years, many outstanding Presbyterian chaplains who have served both their church and their country with distinction but their witness has gone largely unnoticed. I served as a chaplain for close to 30 years and the only time I felt that my church valued me was when Knox College conferred on me a doctorate of divinity and as Chaplain General I was invited to address the General Assembly. While I was flattered and most pleased by these wonderful and unexpected honours, surely I should not have had to wait that long to feel that my church valued my ministry. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if moderators of the General Assembly on behalf of our church sent each of our serving chaplains a letter of appreciation for their ministry?