Monday, March 3, 2014 — Come as You Are

This week I invite us to worship together as we pray morning and night. This morning, I issue the invitation to worship. Put aside all the “have to do’s” for a few moments. Make this time for you and God.

The song I have chosen rang in my head this morning as I reflected on the day before me. Every day we are invited to use this day for God’s glory. We succeed and we fail. This is expected, for we are human and in spite of this, we are Loved.

So now, you are invited, just as you are, to worship. The invitation extends throughout this day. Worship in your conversations, your thoughts, your actions and in your prayers. Come.
NOW is the time.

God of rushing days and moments of blur. We seek You.
In the noise of traffic, of work woes, of items that “have to get done”; we forget You.
In the alight of a ladybug on a sunny, winter day on a warm arm, in the whisper of the word “Mama” from a child who needs; we find You.
God, as we used our lives to be called in worship of You today, we were Your hands that reached at least one person and we also, failed miserably at touching enough in this world.
Our worship of You continues into the night, for in pausing You create the music. We seek rest and find Your comforting arms.
It is our prayer that those without tonight, without whatever it is that is needed to know You, will find You. These ones, of which we may be one, will know they are loved as Your child.
You continue to invite us: Come, just as you are, come.


About Robin Mann

Robin Mann is youth minister at Providence Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.