Saturday, March 8, 2014 — Here I Am

Typically in Presbyterian worship, we stand, if able, and sing the Doxology, then we affirm what we believe. Wow-that’s overwhelming. Stand and say what you believe.

Leading prayers this week is not what I would say is in my “normal” comfort zone. I’m not ordained, or a Peace fellow/amazing artist like David LaMotte. I’m not published like the talented, Mary Reynolds Thompson. My experience is with youth and years of being involved in the PCUSA denomination. So, Rafael Vallejo put out a request for leadership and like Moses, I said “Here I am.” It is my belief that I am here for God. My one small prayer and it’s effect may ripple all the way to Venezula. It may make the difference. In my lack of confidence, I stepped forward anyway and found that God cleared the path.

Today, I offer this invitation to you, to stand and say boldly to God, that if there is anything you can profess to believe, it is “Here I am”. State to God that you believe in our Creator and that you are here available and open to be used. Pray “Here I am God. I am here.”

About Robin Mann

Robin Mann is youth minister at Providence Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.