Thursday, March 13, 2014 — Hope

Today I thought a great topic would be hope. I found a prayer that really spoke out to me and I hope it speaks out to all of you as well. I hope it gives you strength and courage to get through everything!

Heavenly father, I am your humble servant,
I come before you today in need of hope.
There are times when I fell helpless,
There are times when I feel weak.
I pray for hope.
I need hope for a better future.
I need hope for a better life.
I need hope for love and kindness.
Some say that the sky is at it’s
darkest just before the light.
I pray that this is true, for all seems dark.
I need your light, Lord, in every way.
I pray to be filled with your light from
head to toe. To bask in your glory.
To know that all is right in the world,
as you have planned, and as you want
it to be.
Help me to walk in your light, and live
my life in faith and glory.
In your name I pray, Amen.

Have a wonderful Thursday!

About Cassie Turner

Cassie Turner is a Sunday school teacher at Woodslee United Church in Woodslee, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.