Saturday – compassion

Colossians 3: 12   Therefore, as God’s chosen people,  holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

This winter,  anytime we head out the door on our daily walks  we put on a toque,  parka,  snowpants,  pull up our hoods,  put on a face protector,  add on snowmobile type mittens,  and pull on snowmobile type boots.   We know that in order to walk outside without getting frost bite,   we have to  wear clothing that protects us from the cold.      Paul writes to the community in Colossai that they too must clothe themselves with certain things in order to reflect the love of God as God’s chosen people.    Some of these “clothing” bits are not easy…. compassion,  kindness,  humility, gentleness, and patience.   But over time through prayer and  practice,  these  things come easier for us.    And with a prayer and putting these words into practice,  in no time at all we become compassionate and kind and humble and gentle all with great patience without even thinking.   How neat is that.

How will you “clothe” yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience this week?


Prayer:   Lord our God,  You know me better than I know myself.  Instill within me Your compassion so that I may see who needs Your help this day.  Instill within me Your kindness so that I can be kind to those in need.  Instill within me Your gentleness so that I can be a bearer of Your love and not just a bear.  Instill within me Your patience so that I can hear Your still soft voice calling to me.  Amen.