Saturday, March 29, 2014 — Cloud of Unknowing

The Cloud of Unknowing is a medieval English text used by some as a guide to contemplative prayer. The anonymous author makes the claim that the way to “know” God is to let go of all beliefs and knowledge about God, and surrender oneself to un-knowing. At which point the author suggests you may get to an authentic God experience.

As we give ourselves over to the presence of the Holy today, I offer you this prayer from “The Cloud of Unknowing”. The way I use this prayer is to just say it over and over again until I feel the silence inside me. It quiets me. It gentles my body. And when I manage to stay with it long enough, occasionally I do get into the flow and come into an experience I can name as “God”.

Here is the prayer in English and Spanish:

God, to whom all hearts are open,
all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden;
Cleanse the thoughts of my heart
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that I may perfectly love you,
and worthily magnify your name.

Dios ante quien todos los corazones estan abiertos
Para quien todo deseo es elocuente
Y ante quien nada secreto es oculto
Purifica los pensamientos de mi corazon
Y derrama tu Espiritu
Para que yo pueda amarte
Con amor perfecto
Y alabarte como tu mereces.

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.