Women Are from Venus, Men Are from Mars

Watching my grandson grow up was a real learning experience …especially after raising two girls…two very different girls, but still “females.”

My girl’s arguments were always “verbal,” seldom physical and although there was some pouting there was never charm used to change situations.

My grandson seldom used words to express his emotions but could beguile you with a hug and a kiss.

I found my husband had the same qualities.  Knowing he couldn’t out-talk me, he just needed to look at me with his big blue eyes and I was a goner.

And laughter…his laughter was like oil on troubled waters. He could take the fire out of a situation with a word or two that had us in stitches.

I watched something similar happen at a local cafeteria today.  A new, young waitress who had already poured coffee for a table of fellows, walked back to the kitchen and went to set the coffee pot on the burner.  She dropped it!  Everyone there gasped…well, all the women gasped but those wonderful men got to their feet and applauded and laughed.  Instead of tears, there were smiles all around.  They had changed an accident into an acclamation of life.  For life is to be lived and enjoyed, not decided by a broken coffee pot.

We girls sometimes take things far too seriously. We worry, forgetting that God so often said “Fear Not”.

He, in his wisdom, set us into families to raise the future generation. He knew a balance would be essential in the learning curve.

I was always a busy Mom with most of my girl’s activities learning experiences…cooking (I failed here miserably), gardening, sewing etc. etc., while their Daddy could be counted on to be an extra child in all their play time.

Of course, all was not sunshine but the memories that linger are good ones.

I know many single parents that have raised wonderful children but my father died when I was fifteen so I know what some of them missed.

My girls had the blessing of their Dads direction and light-heartedness for over fifty years.  I thank God daily for that gift.