No One Is Immune

Re Canada’s Slave Trade, January

Ms. Watt referred to Dineke Kraay and me and our interest in this issue. We have become involved because of our membership in the Women’s Missionary Society. Over the last seven years, the WMS has sought to spread awareness about human trafficking in Canada and internationally.

Members have brought awareness to their churches and communities through requests to sign petitions directed to the Government of Canada via Joy Smith, MP, Kildonan – St.Paul, Man. Articles in Glad Tidings have appeared regularly over these years.

Another result of this involvement was the forming of a WMS Justice Committee, with advocacy on issues of poverty, immigration, the plight of the Roma people and human trafficking.

Current concerns which demand our attention and letter – writing are: the recent ruling by the Supreme Court that Criminal Code offences related to prostitution are unconstitutional, and the subsequent decisions of the attorneys general of Ontario, New Brunswick and British Columbia to not pursue cases that involve the bawdy house, living on the avails of prostitution or communication offences. This would apply during the year that the Supreme Court has given parliament to clarify laws regarding prostitution – related offences. As well as writing letters, there is a petition available from Joy Smith’s office: 613 – 286 – 5170 or

These issues involve our young people. No family is immune due to internet use and other factors. Increasing awareness does not allow for us burying our heads in the sand saying, “I didn’t know!”

About June Campbell, WMS Justice committee