Finding a Solution

Re A New Worldview, February

Peter Bush is commenting on Arab/Israeli relations. We wholeheartedly agree that the Palestinians have been handed the short end of the stick when it comes to fairness. Their homeland has been taken from them.

The “Missionary Kid” reminds us that as human beings we are all equal but some of us are more equal than others. Lest we think that human rights violations happen only because of American actions or inaction, let’s be reminded of our own history. We are now aware of the injustices that our native peoples were subjected to. Children were removed from their homes and families, and not allowed to speak their languages. We know that Bush is a resident of Winnipeg and is aware of racial problems in our own country. One of our children of native extraction has experienced discrimination right here in Canada.

This is not intended to take away from Bush’s point of view regarding the Middle East. We hope that even though he is not sure how to put the two societies together, a solution will be found.

About Clarence and Lula McDougall