Tuesday, April 8, 2014 — Enough

I love Mary Jo Leddy’s book, Radical Gratitude. She writes about our culture of dissatisfaction and suggests that the “radical liberation of gratitude” can help remind us that we have enough and are enough. She writes “the gift of life is enough”. This morning, as you write out your gratitude, may you be reminded of this. May “enough” permeate your being and send you into your day deeply satisfied.

Question: When you realize that you are already enough; or that you already have enough, what opens up for you?

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for all that you have provided and for the sense of enough in our lives that quenches our dissatisfaction. Help us transform our dissatisfaction with aspects of our own lives into a stand for justice so that everyone the world over may have “enough”. Amen.

About Caroline Penhale

Caroline Penhale is a candidate for ordination in the United Church of Canada. She serves with a congregation in Mortlach, Sask. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online