Sunday, April 13, 2014 — A Happy Soul

Oh I love this post, Fat Soul, Happy Soul, and had to share it!

At least one of the things it points to is the way that gratitude involves our senses. We feel grateful for experiences that come to us via sight, smell, taste, touch or feel. That first coffee in the morning. Or, as the image suggests, the ritual of having tea. Snuggling with our furry friends, savouring a delicious meal, the smell of the sea as we walk on the sand…

Question: How do your sensory experiences bring you to gratitude?

Prayer: Holy One, We thank you for the various ways we experience this wonderful world that you love. We thank you for the many ways you surprise and delight us. May we pay attention each day to delight – and to “fat soul” opportunities. Amen.

About Caroline Penhale

Caroline Penhale is a candidate for ordination in the United Church of Canada. She serves with a congregation in Mortlach, Sask. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online