Holy Week Monday

St Matthew 21: 14…..14 The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them. 15 But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple courts, “Hosanna to the Son of David,” they were indignant.   “Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him.  “Yes”. Jesus replied “have you never read, from the lips of children and  infants you have ordained praise”.     17 And he left them and went out of the city to Bethany, where he spent the night.

Holy Monday — the second step along the journey to the Resurrection.

Where the chief priests and teachers of the law happy and delighted with the work Christ was doing?   Why or why not?  What did Jesus say to the chief priests and teachers of the law?  Are children and infants important?


Prayer:  Lord God Almighty,  we  share in Christ’s  disappointments and sorrows.  Help us to respond to the call of Christ in every good word and work…. healing the sick… comforting the dying….having compassion on those are homeless.  Amen.