He’s got the whole world in his hands…right?!

The political tension that exists in the Ukraine these days reminds us that the world is not exempt from turmoil that results from everything from greed to political InHisHands5or religious differences. For a while – in the west – it seemed that we had been experiencing relative peace.

Times like this are good times to remember the truth of the old children’s song: “He’s got the whole world in his hands.” We teach kids this little ditty and get them clapping, but do we honestly believe it’s true? Do we believe that God has the whole world in his hands?

Many people find it hard to believe. They look at the world around them and see war and injustice, and they think it would hardly be possible for God to have the world in hand when there is so much going on that would not please God. But does that mean God is not caring for the world?

We do not always understand God’s plans for the world, or for us. The divine mind is infinitely greater than we can grasp or imagine, so God’s plans for the world, likewise, are beyond our understanding. Not that God’s plans would include war or injustice; but can we believe that whatever human freedom exists can be leveraged for God’s greater purpose?

You and I see things going on in the world that anger us, frustrate us, even scare us, if we’re honest. But in the midst of that, can we trust – trust – that God has the whole world in his hands? That God cares infinitely more than we can grasp or imagine?

It can be challenging to let God be God and trust him with the world’s turmoil. Of course, God invites us to work for justice so that his world can more closely reflect his heavenly Kingdom. But if we can, in faith, say, “He’s got the whole world in his hands,” and trust God for the present and the future, that will free up any preoccupied space in our minds to reflect on how we can serve to make the world a place that shows forth God’s reign and realm.

The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation” (Psalm 145.8-9, NLT).