St. Andrew’s Hall Appoints New Director

St. Andrew’s Hall has appointed Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart to the position of director of ministry leadership and education at the Presbyterian seminary and, if the appointment is confirmed by the board of the Vancouver School of Theology, director of denominational formation at VST.

Lockhart is a minister with the United Church of Canada, the author of Gen X: Y Faith?, and manager of the blog Creedal and Loving It: Good Theology for Regular People.

In an email announcing the appointment, Rev. Dr. Stephen Farris, dean of St. Andrew’s Hall, said “some may find it a little unusual” for a Presbyterian school to call a United Church minister to be director of denominational formation. “We are convinced, however, that this surprise will last only until people meet Ross and, especially, hear him preach,” Farris said. “It was said in West Coast Presbyterian circles long before the possibility of this appointment emerged, that Ross would fit very well in the Presbyterian Church. We are sure that they were right.”

“We can think of no minister who is likely to be more helpful in producing effective ministers ready to serve a church that serves the world in Christ’s name.”

Lockhart will seek to be received as a minister of the Presbyterian Church through the denomination’s process.