Picnic Patio Party

The story of feeding the 5,000 has always been a bit much for me.  I find feeding four people a challenge but on Friday I had a reversal situation on my hands.

A patio party was planned for Friday lunch with my Bible Study Ladies.  I put on my 30 cup coffee pot and laid out some cups, serviettes and my big electric fry pan.  This was to be an indoor-outdoor party depending on the weather.

Twelve wieners went into the fry pan for cooking later.  The buns were sliced and the ketchup and mustard were on the kitchen counter.  The girls were bringing beans and dessert.  It should be fun.

But alas, only four girls showed up by eleven a.m. and in phoning around I found several had previous commitments.  But all was not lost.  My neighbour Lois, put Jim in his wheelchair and were soon at the door and Helen who was very late, suggested we phone her husband to join us and then I noticed a neighbour picking up her mail at the Club House.  “Lillian” I called,” how would you like some wieners and buns for lunch?”  Soon she too was dishing up some dinner.  A phone call from my nephew brought us another guest.  He was coming over for coffee and ended up with lunch.

At the end of the party I had one wiener left in my fry pan.  It looked a bit sad there all alone so I wrapped it up for a snack for supper.

So, it looks like if there is not enough food (for 5,000) the Lord will provide and if there are not enough folks to eat the food He will provide them also. It was a simple meal but I don’t think we would have had more fun if we’d had barbequed steaks. We were eating with friends  we loved and that makes any meal a banquet.

Sometimes we complicate things far too much.  Loaves and fishes worked once so why couldn’t wieners and beans satisfy.

It will probably be Fall or next Spring before I have a patio party again but when I do I hope they will be in the company of my Christian friends who make every meal together a scrumptious feast.