Wednesday, May 14, 2014 — Simply Faith

Simply Faith

To rest in the arms of our Creator
To love in each action of the day
To resist the urge to seek self- importance
To simply be in awe.

To speak in the face of injustice
To make room for silent moments
To sit comfortably with living and dying
To remember the stories of lifetimes of faith.

To grieve for those lost and loved
To release what is captive in me
To work in great darkness and great light
To celebrate with a joyful heart.

To be a peaceful presence in a world full of distress
To abide in the heart of God
To heal the whole person
To simply be.

To integrate a loving touch and prayer
To speak and honor the Spirit.
To look into the eyes of God in each person I meet
To be grateful.

Simply faith – complex work of the heart belonging to God.

About Carol Tippe

Carol Tippe is a community health nurse in Iowa City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online