Thursday – strength and ministry

Prayer:  Thank You God as we live during this Easter season remembering that You gave us Your Son so that we may walk in newness of life.   Grant me strength as I  live out this day in Your glory.  Open my eyes to those who need help this day.   In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.


Read 1 Timothy  1: 12-15


In these few verses, Paul shares his beliefs with Timothy by giving thanks to Jesus Christ who gives him strength to serve Jesus Christ.  Even though Paul states that  he was a horrible person,  Jesus showed him mercy.  Jesus gave Paul  new life.      Verse 15 is  saying that Paul wants Timothy to remember  “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst….. “.    Yet even as a person who persecuted others,  Jesus gave Paul abundant grace and showered love upon Paul.

How neat is that.   Even when we sin or slip up or forget to serve,  God loves us.   No matter what,  God loves us.   This was, and is,  important for a young person like Timothy to learn about ministry.      This was, and is, important for an old geezer like Paul to learn about ministry.  This is important for us to hear again today!  Ministry takes many forms….  not only Minister of Word and Sacrament… not only Ruling Elders… but also  those of us who sit in the pew.     People in our communities know that we attend Church.   They look at us  with watchful eyes.    Sometimes we forget to be the light of Christ within our communities.   Thank goodness we can come before God on bended knee and say, “Lord,  I messed up.  Help me to be Your light in this community”.


Prayer:  Thank You God that You gave us Your Son.  Thank You God that You gave us the stories of Timothy and Paul.   Abide with us,  abide in us,  that we may ever abide with You our Lord and Saviour.  Dwell within us O Lord  so that at the end of each day we can rest in Your love and be surrounded by Your joy.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.