Saturday – ministry

Lord, in Your kindness, hear my prayers.   Teach me Your ways that I may walk in Your truth.  Mould my heart to love You, for You comfort and help me.  I thank You with all my heart, glory to Your name forever.  Amen.

1 Timothy 1.  This chapter is so filled with advice,  and hurt, and longing it is amazing.   Paul is writing to Timothy to support Timothy’s ministry.  But life in the new Christian community is not going well.  Most people are believers, but there is a group of teachers… a group of leaders who are teaching against the gospel. They think that they are Christian but have a better way of being a Christian.   Timothy’s task is to keep the new Christian community on the main road of Christian faith.  Wow.  What a ministry to be handed!  The group of teachers wanted to debate false doctrines instead of focussing upon gaining a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith.    Paul reminds Timothy that he is not sent to this new Christian Community to debate what the group of teachers but to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ.    The new Christian Community that Timothy is working with is the community of Ephesus.
Today,  keep the minister of your congregation in your prayers of encouragement.
Lord, in Your kindness, hear my prayers.   Teach me Your ways that I may walk in Your truth.  Mould my heart to love You, for You comfort and help me.  I thank You with all my heart, and give glory to Your name forever.  Amen.