Friday – right mind

O Lord,  I call out to You,  and You answer me.  Remember me in the day of my distress and may You surround  me with Your love.     Help me to hold up my hands to You in prayer without anger or dispute.  This I ask in Your Son’s name.  Amen.

Read 1 Timothy 2: 8-15

One could never call Paul indecisive could one !   Paul is very firm in what he is writing to Timothy.   Worship of God is so important, says Paul to Timothy, that all who join together in worship must be of the right mind… in faith and in love and holiness.  During this Easter,  reflect upon whether you worship in the right might   in faith and in love and in holiness.

Thank You God that  You are my  Love and  Lighten the dark places of my heart.  Keep me this day in Your Love and Wisdom.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.