Sunday thoughts to ponder

LORD God Almighty,  Healer of all  people and seasons,  may You be with us today as we worship You.  We know that we are Your Easter People as we live this day in Your joy and Your praise.  God Holy,  God Holy and Mighty,  God Holy and Immortal,  we look upon You this day with great love and great enthusiasm.  As we live out Your days,  remind us to always be Your Easter People in sharing Your Word and Your Love with our family… our friends… our neighbours… our Church… our community… and our world.   Grant peace and compassion upon those who cry out to You this day in pain and sorrow.  Grant peacemaking and faith upon those who cry out to You this day in misery and frustration.   May we be Your hands and Your feet to help those who are in need.  This we ask in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


This week’s  Gospel lesson and Epistle lesson talks about faith through the use of illustrations of Jesus preparing a place for us in a house with many mansions and of Peter talking about our faith through the strength of a firm foundation and living stones.     We can all say, “yes we have faith Lord” but what does having faith mean?     For Peter,  it was encouraging the people to grow and mature.  Peter wrote about how his faith grew and matured.  Peter also shared the Good News of Jesus throughout his community.  If we look back over Church history,  we discover that faith is never stagnant.   Faith is always growing and maturing.   And we must work to continue to grow and mature our faith.

Today,  ponder and reflect how we will grow and mature our faith this week… through prayer… through reading of scripture… through worship…. through Bible Study….through living a life of example of Jesus Christ……