Saturday – provenance

Provenance…. in the Museum world,  we ask each donor if they can tell us the story of the artefact they are donating.    We ask if the donor knows the provenance of the artefact.  Provenance.   Over the years,  we have had many awesome donations to our Military Museum  (26 Field Regiment   Royal Canadian Artillery – XII Manitoba Dragoons Military Museum).     Our Museum also tells the story  of our Museum and the history we hold in public trust through the use of newsletters,  events,  website,  facebook, and twitter.  Provenance so the story of thousands of soldiers from Manitoba is never lost nor their sacrifice forgotten.

In the quilting world,  quilters always enjoy stating who were their quilting teachers.  Provenance.     At quilt shows,  each quilter has his or her own style.  Because of copyright violations,  all quilters must state where they found the pattern or style for their quilt.  While this is called copyright,  it is also provenance too.

In the Christian world,  we state we are from such and such Church.  People will ask us who the minister is at our Church or who the ministers were in the past.  Provenance.  But something we do not carry as provenance that really we should is  who taught us the Gospel?   Parents?   Sunday School?  Who were our teachings of the Gospel?    And who continues to be our teachers of the Gospel?

Prayer:  O Lord Jesus Christ, who is the life and light of all Your servants:  we ask You to help and inspire those who teach in our Sunday Schools, and those also who prepare them for their work.  Pour out upon them the spirit of unceasing prayer and faithful service; encourage them with good success; strengthen their faith and purpose when they are weary and disheartened; and fortify them with Your assurance that they are fellow workers together with Christ our Lord.  Amen.   (Frederick Macnutt.  “Prayer Manual”  Mowbray, 1955   prayer #774