A Shower of Tears

Years ago, when a widow would mention her departed husband, I would smile and wonder why she couldn’t just go on living in the real world. Of course, I understood she would be sad…but sad forever? I couldn’t understand that.  They say God sends you sorrow to make you more compassionate.  That is so true.  So, every once in a while I feel like I need to reach out again to those who have lost a loved one…a husband, wife, sister, mom or dad or even a child.  This blog today is for you.

Having a nice warm shower is one of the nicest blessings, especially in the winter when the snow is piled up everywhere and an Alberta Clipper is tearing through your yard.

But then there is that moment when you know you have to turn off the tap, open the curtain and step into the coolness of the bathroom.  You grab the biggest towel you have and wrap is snuggly around you and in a moment or two you are comfortable again.

Much the same thing happens when suddenly we find ourselves walking down memory lane.  Some tiny thing has triggered the whole episode and we are there with our loved one, reliving precious moments and there is a warmth that fills our soul. THEN, the moment is gone and we are left with tears streaming down our faces and the coldness of reality hits.

What we reach for at that moment is very much an individual thing.  Personally, I reach out for the comfort of my Creator and remind myself that even Jesus wept.

Others might turn on some music, lose themselves in a book, or phone a friend.  But in all these cases you first have to turn off the tap, step out and back into the reality of a world that is missing the warmth of the one you loved.  And the tragic thing is that you will have to do this over and over again…but someday, the world you step into will be warmer and you will find a smaller towel will suffice. Finally, although the grief always be there, it will not drown you and the real world will entice you into living again…trust me. I know.