Record Wins Awards

The Presbyterian Record received 10 awards from the Canadian Church Press and the Associated Church Press for its 2013 material.

The September issue topped the list in the edition layout and design category and placed second in the front cover category at the CCP’s awards gala in Winnipeg. The work of art director Caroline Bishop and designer Salina Vanderhorn also earned the Record an award of merit at the ACP’s awards in Chicago for the design of the February 2013 cover story, Lutherland.

Other articles earned praise, including Speechless Service by Doug Schonberg, which placed first in the CCP’s personal experience category, and Andrew Faiz’s opinion piece, A Mausoleum to Christendom, received an honourable mention from the ACP. Both articles appeared in the September issue.

Two articles were popular with judges on both sides of the border: John-Peter Smit’s May cover story on Best Practices took third prize for feature layout and design from the CCP and an award of merit from the ACP in the personally useful article category. The June cover story by Gordon Haynes won third prize in the CCP’s service journalism category and an honourable mention in the ACP’s professional resource category. placed second among publication websites in the CCP.