Encouragement Tour

A goal of my ministry in the Renewal Fellowship is to connect with and encourage as many Canadian Presbyterians across the country as possible. In my first two years as executive director, I spent most of my time in Southern Ontario and made a trip to B.C., and a couple of trips to the Maritimes. I was also able to visit Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City a few times.

When I began with the fellowship, I made the commitment to visit every presbytery at least once. It requires some creativity, and a lot of encouragement and help to accomplish this goal.

To that end, I took on a major project for 2014: the challenge of an Encouragement Road Trip from Toronto to the West Coast. As the fellowship communicated this vision, we received encouragement and engagement from across the country. (I am writing this column before I leave, anticipating my experiences; you will be reading it after the tour has ended.)

Within a few weeks of sharing our plan, we received the needed funds to make the trip. We also received requests from Ontario to B.C. for me to make their church or presbytery one of my stops. I have been offered hospitality along the way.

In the Renewal Fellowship’s desire to encourage our denomination, I received incredible encouragement myself. To be sure, some of the support and some of the interest comes from longtime Renewal supporters. However, much of it came from people new to me and our ministry and many, I dare assert, don’t even know what the fellowship is.

The energy and generosity would appear to be generated by the concept of encouragement. Canadian Presbyterians want to see others encouraged. Canadian Presbyterians want to be encouraged. A little road trip then, with encouragement as its purpose, triggered a lot of responses.

With stops from North Bay to Thunder Bay and Kenora to Kimberly, I anticipate coming together in groups small and large. I will get to share with Presbyterians across the country that the reason I am there is because there is a bunch of people who want to share a message of encouragement with them. The best part is that I get to be the messenger.

All this is to get to my point. I am certain this is evidence that renewal is overtaking us. A refreshing, positive response comes from many positive hearts engaged in more than ministry maintenance and hopeless endgames. In short, as much as any good news story I have heard or actually witnessed, this experience has convinced me that the Lord is renewing us in profound and deep ways.

So, take a few minutes this week, and every week for that matter, and find a minister or a congregation, a ministry or a leader to encourage. It’s bound to make a difference. People are ready to receive it. You will be renewed by doing it. It’s an opportunity to be Christ to his Church. Amen.

About fredstewart

Rev. Fred Stewart is executive director of the Renewal Fellowship within the Presbyterian Church in Canada.