Beauty and the Beast

My friend Mary and I had just finished some shopping and as I was loading up the groceries I noticed a large half-ton off to one side.  Peeking out the side window was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.  The pictures on Google show it as a Siberian Husky.

I could not resist speaking to the driver and telling him was a lovely dog he had.

And he proceeded to reach over to the passenger side and pull up a puppy…a Siberian Husky puppy.

There are times in your life when your heart just stops because you are overwhelmed by what you see.  The sight of those two dogs just stopped my heart!  They were magnificent.  They were there right before my eyes…God’s creation in living colour.

I have felt something similar when I looked at sunsets and beautiful vistas and I am really not a “dog” person but I still can’t get the image of those dogs out of my mind.  They just filled my soul.

I feel the same about the image of my great-granddaughter taking her first steps. You just can’t resist smiling.  I think God sends these images to you to fill your mind with good things.  We see so much death and destruction on TV that we need to take time to look at the lighter side of life.  It is like clicking on the reset button on your computer.  Sometimes you have to step back from all those things that thwart your joy in the Lord, for it says in Philippians 4:8 “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, etc….think on these things.”

He knew our minds could be filled with things that could depress and destroy us and so he gave us the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch to help us experience the good things of life too.

I find these senses are not as sharp as they once were but when I am sitting here at the computer I can still smell if my soup is boiling over and of that I am glad.  I do notice the volume control on the TV has to be higher than it used to be and my glasses need changing more often but I could still see that beautiful Siberian Husky peeking out the truck window and that image will stay there to bring joy today and in days to come.