A Friend for All Seasons

I am so blessed in still having a few friends I have known since childhood.  We email once in a while and for a few minutes I am 15 again, living in my old house with Mom and my sisters.  I can see the holly trees in the back yard, the Fraser River not far away and beautiful Mt. Baker in the background.  Yes, I am home.

As the years have passed I made new friends.  Young people are like magnets, all drawn towards each other, having the same hopes and dreams.  Harry and I had lots of good friends but some are no longer on my horizon and have wandered down different pathways.

Even here in the small town I have lived for fifty years, I find the roll of friends has changed.   There were business friends, social friends and of course church friends…but even church friends change.

God seems to know our needs and sends us “earthly angels” to fill our needs.  I am finding some old friends are still special but I have different priorities now and so do they.

I met a lady a year ago who I hit it off with right away.  She had lost her husband, had recently moved into town and was very lonely.  On a whim I visited her. I don’t know why but I am so glad I did. I think I was one of the only persons in our condo village that she got to know.  But God knew she needed a friend and we had some lovely chats as I watched her crochet another afghan for her family.  I would have hugged her harder had I known at my last visit it would be the last hug I would have from her…she was in hospital only a week before she passed away but she insisted even there, “Phone Pat and let her know.”  She was gone so swiftly and I still feel a bit short-changed.  Sometimes we take this gift of friendship so casually and it is so precious and so missed when it is gone.

My friend Mary listened to my grieving for years after my husband died and we still cry together as we each recall the pain of losing someone we love.  God dropped her into my life at the very time I needed her most.  Now I am able to reciprocate as she goes through the process of hip surgery …something I did two years ago.

I have thanked God so many time for friends…yes, the old friends are wonderful, but sometimes God sends a perfect friend for a special season of your life…He knows what your needs are and He never forsakes you.