Sunday, June 29, 2014 — A True Sabbath

Today has been a true Sabbath for me. I worshiped at the church of a friend instead of leading worship in my charge. It was delightful, and rejuvenating. The music was full of joy and energy, my whole body felt as if it was worshiping our Creator as we swayed or clapped along. This afternoon I attended my husband’s and other students’ piano recital. I can’t play an instrument, and marveled at the music they created. Now, its evening. I plan of sitting in my garden this evening, directing my husband as he cuts back some bushes and trees that are shading my vegetable garden.

I have felt a deep connection with our Casa community this week. Taking time to reflect and spend time in intentional prayer has been soul searching and illuminating. Bless you, Megwitch.

O Holy Quilter, you brought together pieces of Chaos and swirling Cosmos to stitch together the ultimate blankie, Creation. You, who love all your beloved, cherished children, human and other, enwrap us in your loving arms and snuggle with us in your everlasting embrace. Your squares are our days, some bright and cheerful, Rainbows and Northern Lights, some somber and reflective, Challenge, some downright dark, Grief, Hopelessness. Enable us to see the pattern of our lives as pieces patched together to create a work of art of lasting beauty. When we feel kind of tattered and torn, remind us that it is in these Holy Spaces that your Light shines in and ours shines out, all of it, a beacon of Love, Spirit and Being, with Christ, the ultimate Light Of The World. Tuck me in, now, please, I am ready for sleep. Good night God. I love you. I feel so loved in return. Megwitch. Amen.

About Nancy Best

Rev. Nancy Best is a minister in the United Church of Canada. She serves a three-point pastoral charge in Quyon, Que. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online