Tuesday, July 1, 2014 — Loaves and Fish

Waking up earlier than normal this morning. Must be the thoughts that keep roiling. But I am reminded of the One who can provide “immeasurably more” than we could ever ask for or imagine. I’m drawn again to this story:

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And all ate and were filled; and they took up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full.” Matthew 14: 19-20.

This is one of my favourites, where thousands of people gather to hear Jesus speak, and Jesus instructs his disciples to feed them all. Wouldn’t you have just loved to have seen the look on their faces when he said that? Incredulous, I’m thinking. Monumental task, to say the least. But they simply trusted and gathered what they could, given the resources that they had. Jesus blessed the few loaves and fish the disciples could produce, and there was enough nourishment to meet the needs of everyone there. So much so, that the disciples even collected what was left over. There was way more than enough to go around.

So with lingering thoughts about my own monumental task, I have to remind myself that, in a similar way, each one of us has been given unique gifts and talents. It strikes me that, when we offer all we have, even if it seems small or insignificant to the monumental task ahead, he turns it into something that feeds and nourishes others, no matter how big the throng or the need. Our job is to ask for clear vision and a clear heart, so that we can hear and see how God wants us to use these talents. With his blessing, there is more than enough to go around – immeasurably more. How great is that?

Prayer: Thank you for your gifts, God. Help me recognize the value of what you have given me, and show me how I can contribute to take care of others. I know that, in your hands, these gifts can be magnified to nourish many others. Direct my course today so that opportunity and responsibility meet. Help me respond with confidence, without second-guessing your intention, without getting daunted, or feeling insignificant. With heart open to your leading, we pray. Amen.

About Carolyn Venema

Carolyn Venema lives in Mount Hope, Ont. She blogs at somethingshappeninghere.wordpress.com. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online