Westminster-St. Paul’s, Guelph, Ont.

The congregation of Westminster-St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church enjoyed a delicious roast beef dinner in May to celebrate and honour Bob Renton’s service as clerk of the session for 40 years. Bob was asked to fill in for John Gillespie on May 13, 1973. It was supposed to be a temporary position. He was affirmed the clerk of session on November 7, 1973, and Bob has diligently served this congregation in a quiet and reserved manner.

Martin Van Dam, as MC for the evening, welcomed everyone. “It has been a pleasure working with Bob on many projects through the years that I have been associated with Bob,” said Martin. As clerk, Bob has faithfully represented our congregation at the presbytery meetings as well as scribing the minutes of over 400 session meetings. He is truly a gentleman and is dedicated to his calling as clerk.

Rev. Karla Wubbenhorst compared Bob to the horse, Secretariat, who won the Kentucky Derby in May, 1973. Secretariat was a remarkable horse who went on to become the first Triple Crown Winner in 25 years. The job of clerk is at its core a secretarial job which involves the taking of the session minutes. He keeps the minutes neatly and correctly in his own graceful hand. In Bob we have a true champion and his commitment to Westminster-St. Paul’s has gone the distance. God does deserve excellence; the call to discipleship is the call to be, in Christ, the very best that we can be. Few of us do our voluntary jobs in the church under that kind of self-imposed pressure, but Bob does.

Rev. Dr. Shirley Gale spoke on behalf of herself and her husband, Herb. Shirley said that Bob’s 40 years of service were indeed a period of biblical proportions. During the days of Noah, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before they entered the Promised Land. Jesus fasted and was tempted by the devil for 40 days in the wilderness after his baptism in the Jordan River. In the Presbyterian Church, we have a theological term for such a performance. We call that the perseverance of the Saints. Shirley thanked Bob for his perseverance and faithfulness. She also thanked his wife, Eileen, for supporting him all these years and helping to make all this possible. Shirley said that Bob has put his heart, mind and talent to work over the past 40 years and they pray that God will richly bless and sustain him and Eileen as they continued in faithful witness and service. Shirley then read a letter from another clerk, the principal clerk of Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Rev. Stephen Kendall.

George Forsyth, our longest serving elder, said that Bob has been dedicated to his calling as an elder and also in his position as clerk. He paid attention to detail and was very approachable with any concerns that arose in session. George said he has enjoyed the opportunity and privilege of serving with Bob over the past 40 plus years. It reminded him of Matthew 25:23 “Well done good and faithful servant.”

During the evening, Bob was presented with a pen, a very long pencil and a financial gift which will be given to Westminster-St. Paul’s Chalice Fund in his name. Fitz Bharath, accompanied by Brian Garner, sang “How Great Thou Art.” Everyone then joined in for a rousing rendition of “When the Saints Go Marching In.”

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