Da Boss Above

Church Skit
Coming out of a church that had a skit every single week, I tend to think the medium is a tad overused. Still, there are some very good church skits out there and people learn and grow in different ways. One skit I do like—and one that is gaining in popularity—is titled, “Set Me Free” after the song by Casting Crowns. YouTube is flooded with churches and youth groups performing their own variations. If your church hasn’t done something like this before, this might be a good place to start.
Find it @ youtube.com. Search for “set me free skit.”

Abbie Cobb and I were in the same church youth group in Omaha, Nebraska. Our parents are good friends. She’s been doing a lot of television and movies lately and her last one is perfect for this column. Moms’ Night Out is a family – friendly comedy. It’s basically a reflection on Christian middle class moms who are out on the town when a whole lot of craziness befalls them. Is it an Oscar winner? No. Few are. Does it aspire to brilliance or intend to be the film world’s glimmering example of what strong, feminist characters look like? No. Instead it’s just a fun little movie that will no doubt make moms laugh. I thought it was worth the price of the ticket and I’m not even a mom. Oh, and look out for the girl named Bridget. She’s going to be a huge star.
Find it @ momsnightoutmovie.com.

Giving Kiosks
Yep, this is exactly what it sounds like. And it’s free. Sort of. It’s basically a touchscreen tablet mounted to a stand with card readers to accept debit and credit cards. The company will send your church one for free. The product costs nothing. Of course “other charges may apply.” Okay, so it does cost $20 a month to hold an account with the company for processing the charges. But the kiosk is free and cool looking, too. Okay, so then you also pay about 15 cents per swipe. So there is that. But the kiosk is free. And really, who still uses cash? And cheque books… what kind of troglodyte do you think I am? I’m only kidding. Partly. Let’s face it: even banks are phasing out cheques. So what’s the next step? Well, maybe it’s a giving kiosk in the narthex.
Find it @ givingkiosk.com

New Bible
“Da Boss Above, he take care me, jalike da sheep farma take care his sheeps. He goin give me everyting I need. He let me lie down wea da sweet an soft grass stay. He lead me by da water wea I can rest. He give me new kine life. He lead me in da road dat stay right, cuz I his guy.” Just in case you missed it, that’s Psalm 23 from a new translation of the Bible called Da Jesus Book. Da Jesus Book is a version of the Bible taken from English to a form of Hawaiian pigeon English. It’s unique “fo sho.” Genesis is called “Da Start” and Revelation is called “Jesus Show.” If you think this is a joke, you’re wrong. Da Jesus Book took several translators more than 12 years to produce. It was worked on by Joseph Grimes, formerly of Cornell University, and is published by Wycliffe Bible Translators. Oh, and it’s selling like hotcakes… or Spam, if you’re Hawaiian.
Find it @ pidginbible.org.

About bradleychilds

Rev. Bradley Childs is minister at First, Regina.