Getting and Giving Up

As has always been and as it will probably always be…the main focus of life seems to be in the getting…getting a job, a family, a home etc. etc.  We all have our dreams and most of them include a lot of getting…perhaps in more subtle terms but achievement of some kind seems to be a part of us.

When my children arrived on the scene I was delighted to have these precious little bundles as part of my life.  Alas, it wasn’t long before I was giving them up to the world to make a life of their own.

The homes which I planned, cleaned and refurbished and were so much fun, are all gone, but my little condo is still with me as well as some rather ancient furniture.

The Travel Agency which we had is long gone, but the memories of different lands and different cultures will always linger in my memories.

And of course the thing I miss most is my husband.  But God is gracious and all these empty parts of my life have been partially filled with other things.  Three adorable great-grandchildren now fill my Facebook, my church which was always important to me, has become the main focus of my life and God has allowed me to share the stories of my family and faith with you my readers. Who can complain about that?

When Harry died I thought I would never stop crying and was sure there would never be any “joy in the morning” but God was wiser and his plan played out in a script that I couldn’t have envisaged.   He is all wise and all knowing.

It sometimes hard to see the rainbow hiding in the rain but it is always there.

I broke my toe the other day.  The summer walks I had planned are finished for a month or so but my flowers and those in the complex can be seen from the front and back decks and delight my eye.  The baby magpies are screaming for food and the robin’s song drifts over the complex.  God is not stingy…he has lots of good gifts for a frustrated walker; all I have to do is just step outside the door.

Yes, my choir days are done and my earrings can’t be managed with my arthritic thumbs but I can still sing in the congregation on Sundays and type on Tuesdays or any other day of the week.

Today is coffee and conversation at my place.  Our Bible Study starts again in September but now is the time to chatter, share and enjoy the sunshine.  In giving it up for the summer we have replaced it with a different kind of fellowship.  And our Father is present in all this and I know he smiles and loves to see us having fun…he truly loves his children.