Tuesday, July 29, 2014 — To Be Known

“John 20:16 recounts the encounter between Jesus and Mary of Magdala, two people who love each other. Jesus says, “Mary.” She recognizes him and says, “Rabboni.” This simple and deeply moving story brings me in touch with my fear as well as my desire to be known…..what a healing moment this encounter must have been. Mary feels at once fully known and fully loved.

What a joy to be fully known and fully loved at the same time! It is the joy of belonging through Jesus to God and being there, fully safe and fully free.” – from The Road to Daybreak by Henri Nouwen.

May the God of hope fill us with with joy and peace and strength this day. Amen.

About Jennifer Burns Lewis

Jennifer Burns Lewis is pastor at the Presbyterian Church of Western Springs in suburban Chicago, Illinois. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online