Thursday, August 14, 2014 — Pray-ers

It is hard to believe that I have reached the halfway point in this week! I thank God for strength and inspiration and you, who have “commented” and “liked”, for encouragement. I have learned so much as I have prepared these devotions… #1 note to self for next time (and to anyone else who will be leading us in prayer and has never done so before): do as much in advance of the week as you can – one day will turn into the next pretty quickly!

This morning I’d like us to listen to a very short story from Taking Flight: A Book of Story Meditations by Anthony de Mello, S.J. – Father Anthony entitled it, “Of prayers and pray-ers”. Don’t blink, you might miss it!

“GRANDMOTHER: “Do you say your prayers every night?”

GRANDSON: “Oh, yes!”

GRANDMOTHER: “And every morning?”

GRANDSON: “No, I’m not scared in the daytime!”

So now, what do you think about that!

When do we pray? – when we are afraid, when we are sad, when we are alone, when we need something… Reflect on how your prayer life is patterned, and then, when you are ready, let us pray a Morning Prayer… maybe just because we are not “scared in the daytime”.

About Joan Scarrow

Joan Scarrow lives in South Mountain, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online