Tuesday, August 26, 2014 — Let Us Slow Down

Rural living has its challenges. Saturday evening, our well ran dry. Sunday afternoon, the cistern got scrubbed, we went to town to haul water only to find out that our account had been de-activated. A Good Samaritan filled our 1000 litre container – enough for a couple of days of quick showers for the family.

Yesterday, my husband replaced our only bathtub with a new one. There was just a bit of pressure on him to finish the job! So these last few days have been filled with rather urgent matters, which push the ‘important’ to the back burner.

So as we begin this day, dear friends of Casa, let us slow down for these few minutes.

Let us pray: Holy, loving God, we begin this day with a lengthy to-do list. There are many urgent things that fill our days with activity. Open our eyes to the beauty of creation, to the beauty of each other. Help us focus on the importance of slowing down, spending time appreciating nature, each other, and most of all, You. Risking our sense of control, we dare to pray asking you to slow us down. Make us notice what you would have us see and do and be. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

About Nicole Reid

Nicole Reid is in her third year studying for a master of divinity degree at Knox College, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online