St. Andrew’s, Priceville, Ont.

On Sunday evening, June 15, 2014, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Priceville hosted a Country Gospel Musical and recognized the retirement of Grant Sayers as organist and choir master of the church. Grant has been providing the musical accompaniment at St. Andrew’s for 72 years, rarely missing a Sunday! He is also one of the two original members of the Gospel Couriers, a male gospel chorus, formed in 1977.  The photo shows Rev. David Nicholson, interim moderator, St. Andrew’s,Ruth Graham, accompanist for the Gospel Couriers and organist at Cooke’s Presbyterian, Markdale, Ont., and Grant Sayers.  Rev. Nicholson is presenting a plaque to Grant “recognizing the musical ministry of Grant Sayers, Organist and Choir Master from 1942 to 2014, St. Andrew’s Church, Priceville” which will be placed in the church in honour of Grant’s devoted service.