Monday, September 8, 2014 — For those who Labor

I think it is always right to lift up those who labour, serving God and neighbour in doing so. Today, try to be mindful of all whose work makes your life easier. This morning, I especially give thanks to the Guatemalan farmers who grew my coffee beans and all those who processed it so that I may enjoy my kick-start to the day. (Lifting up those at Microsoft and Intel and Lenovo as I type). Blessings and rest for those who labour and encouragement for those who seek meaningful work.

A prayer for those who labour:

God of the rough-worn hands, as we honour workers this day,
let us not forget those whose work is without honor:

those homemakers who watch over children and homes
but are not recognized as workers because they are not paid;
those who are forced out of jobs by corporate changes,
those forced into early retirement,
those who are denied employment because of their age;
those who live far from home,
struggling to save a bit of money to sent to their loved ones;
those who must work illegally in order to survive;
those who lose jobs because employers use undocumented labour.

Christ of the aching back, you worked the rough wood,
you walked the long and dusty roads,
you know the bitter thirst of the poor.
Let our thirst become a passion for justice.
Help us to work toward transformation of economic policies
that allow only a few nations to hoard the world’s wealth,
policies that pay women as only half a person or less,
policies that do not recognize the worth of labour exactly without pay

Spirit of creative power, move among us this day.
Heal the wounds we carry because of jobs we hate but must do,
jobs we want but cannot have.
Heal all those who labour to survive.
Renew in us our sense of vocation.
Help us discern your Presence in even the lowliest tasks we face. Amen

from Chalice Worship, Colbert Cartwright & O.I. Harrison, editors. Chalice Press, 1997, p. 176.

About Lynn Bohlmann

Lynn Bohlmann is the pastor at Congregational United Church of Christ in Jacksonville, Illinois. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online