Erindale, Mississauga, Ont.

On the 27th day of June, 2014, Carolyn McAvoy celebrated 25 years as an ordained minister. This, while significant for Rev. McAvoy, is not particularly world shaking. Many, if not most, ministers will achieve this milestone during their careers.

What is different in this case is that Rev. McAvoy discerned early in her career that her calling was not to a settled ministry but to interim ministry. This was a bold decision in that interim ministry by definition means that every few years a new posting must be found. There is no guarantee that an opening will appear just as the previous posting expires. Rev. McAvoy has a private consulting practice to “fill in the gaps.”

The need for interim ministers arises from the realization in the last number of years that where a successful long-term ministry comes to an end, very often the next person in that church has a difficult time and often moves on after a relatively short stay.

IMG_2152sIn the spring of 2012 our then minister, Rev. Ian MacPherson, informed our session that after 29 years at Erindale he planned to retire at midyear. At the same time he recommended that we try to arrange through presbytery for an interim minister. This was done. In November of 2012, Carolyn McAvoy became our interim minister. She brought a wealth of experience with her as well as a high degree of energy and enthusiasm. We are her ninth interim posting. She emphasizes the temporary nature of her stay by occasionally bringing a battered suitcase into the pulpit.

Carolyn has come to us for a period of approximately two years. She made it clear from the outset that her task was first to help us past the very real shock and sense of loss occasioned by the retirement of Ian MacPherson and then to position us for the calling of a settled minister by the end of 2014.

Carolyn started by leading us through a period of collective introspection that allowed us to adjust to the absence of Ian MacPherson and to look carefully at where we were as a congregation and where we wanted to be in the future. This was followed by the gradual introduction of changes to the form of service and to the building. These steps allowed us to become accustomed to change and also to make us more attractive to a prospective settled minister.

IMG_2198sThe most obvious change to the service has been the installation of an up to date audio-visual system including a laptop and the necessary software. This has helped to introduce more music into the service, particularly the use of praise songs scattered throughout the service. We have also experimented with different forms of communion service.

A new carpet has been laid and the wood in the sanctuary has been refinished. New chairs have been purchased for the choir. The foyer outside of the sanctuary was a rather barren space that was not particularly inviting for someone to walk into for the first time. Sofas, chairs and a coffee table have been purchased to provide an attractive spot to sit and chat before and after service. It looks out over our memorial garden. The sign outside of our church has been upgraded.

More recently, Carolyn has led the session to adopt term eldership whereby the previous 22 active elders became nine session elders and the rest sustaining elders. We have selected a search committee of nine persons to work with our interim moderator in the selection and calling of our new settled minister.

The above accomplishments came with a cost. Despite this, our financial position is better than it has been in years. We ended fiscal 2013 with a modest surplus.

Clearly, Carolyn McAvoy has made a significant and beneficial impact on Erindale Church during her time with us. She is very effective in her chosen vocation.

She is to be congratulated on a very successful 25 years of ministry.

On Sunday, June 29, the nearest Sunday to the date of Carolyn’s ordination a special service commemorated the occasion. It was a beautiful and at times quite emotional service that featured a lot of music. Many people from some of Carolyn’s previous postings attended the service. In addition a large contingent from Carolyn’s family were present. The service was followed by a delicious catered lunch in our church hall.
