Saturday, September 20, 2014 — Silence

I sit and wait.
And so does
the Silence.
And then
you show yourself.
You lift the veil
that covers your face.
I see you.
You arrive when I do.
But there are also dry days
and there are dark nights
When I do not feel
your presence
And once again
I sit and wait
with the Nothing.

Me siento
y espero.
El Silencio
lo hace tambien.
te revelas
Levantas el velo
que cubre su cara
Te veo.
Llegas cuando llego.
Pero hay dias secos
y hay noches oscuras
Cuando no me siento 
su presencia
Y una vez mas
me siento solo 
y espero
con La Nada.

©Rafael Vallejo 2014, Oraciones en CASA 

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online