Thursday, September 25, 2014 — Commitment

Today’s theme is commitment.

Somewhere, somehow, in our lives, we have committed to something. It may be an idea, a person, a concept, or even something material like a house or a car. We often commit to our lives as living the Gospel in many ways, but how really, can we continue to be committed? It takes work, determination and a lot of energy to be committed to being a faithful person.

We can also get compassion fatigue, feel our resources are spread too thin, or that there are too many things in the world that need attention.

I started doing something a few years ago that helped me stay committed and kept me wanting to stay committed to various projects. I took short term commitments: for six months I devoted my attention and resources towards a particular ministry. Then, I devoted the next six months. Where can you commit yourself to living the Gospel?

As we head in to our day, perhaps, struggling with the tasks before us, I invite us into prayer.

God, as we journey into our day, help us to be committed to living the Gospel, not just with words, but with actions. May we be committed to you in all that we do. Great is your faithfulness unto us, O God. May we be as committed and faithful to you as you are to us. In Jesus name, Amen.

About Shalome MacNeill Cooper

Shalome MacNeill Cooper is at Iona, Scotland, as part of the resident group of the Iona Community's staff management team. She is from Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and is a candidate for ordained ministry with the United Church of Canada. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online