Pushing the Right Buttons

My computer is a great mystery…correcting my mistakes, giving me great information on Google and printing off reams of material that my children will no doubt put in the dumpster  after I am gone. The computer has many buttons on it that I am still a little scared of…what will happen when I push them is a mystery I am not anxious to solve…will my whole article go up in smoke? Who knows?  I know there is a lot of stuff that has disappeared …to where I don’t know. What happens to those emails that never arrive?  I know Andrew Faiz (my patient editor) once received an email from me that was supposed to go to a friend.  Luckily it was not x-rated, but then none of my stuff is, but he kindly reported back with a small story of his own.

There are two very helpful buttons on my computer…the delete and the backspace are invaluable, especially to one who still remembers the manual typewriters of old.

I worked in a Patent Attorney’s office in Ottawa for several years.  Each typed patent required about 5 carbon copies and they had to be perfect.  Make an error and you had to gently and very carefully erase and retype the messed-up word.

Now a red line appears when I misspell or am ungrammatical and wonder of wonders a tiny press of the delete or the backspace button and all is forgiven.

It is hard to accept by many that God’s salvation works much the same way.  A sincere, “I am sorry…help my unbelief and be merciful”, is much like the delete and backspace.  Suddenly you don’t have to pack all those errors around anymore.  The sheet is wiped clean and God’s Spirit is there to put a red line under upcoming mistakes.  He guides and protects you.  He really cares!

This present generation believes they have created much and have all the answers.   Funny, God was way ahead of them.  He had the answers planned right from the very beginning of time.  He knew we would make mistakes and had the delete and backspace buttons written right into our lives. He knows us so well…so very, very well.

 “DELキー” by Yo987 – Own work (本人撮影). Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.