Please Forward

A friend I have is in hospital.  I’ve known him for years but have never spoken to him about religion.  He knew I attended church and I knew he didn’t.  But socially we were mixed together as most young business people were.

He is unwell.  The prognosis is not good and although I pray for him, and did phone on a couple of occasions, there is little else I can do, so today I will send a card to the hospital.

I hope he will be going home soon and thought of putting “Please forward” on the card but I am not sure where he is going.

Discussing where one is going after our stay here on earth, is an easy task with my Bible Study group and it is something we do quite often, but it is not something you bring up with social acquaintances.  I don’t think it would be appropriate to end up by his bed, Bible in hand telling him where to go.  Some might disagree, but his family would be upset and this is not the time to upset his family.

So I will pray for him and thank God that He and only He, makes the final decision as to our final home and I will send him a card to remind him that he is not forgotten and I am praying for him.

I think we all want to be remembered. I am sincerely touched when someone mentions that they knew Harry.  It happened the other day and brought tears to my eyes and yesterday our local newspaper did a 100th year anniversary section.  Included were photos of people from the past and there on page 45 was a picture of my husband with a few words about him.  My heart was touched.  He had not been forgotten.

His  last day in hospital, when our time had come to say goodbye, when I spoke to him for the last time, I had told him to go with the Lord and placed a final “Please Forward” kiss on his cheek, we both knew what his final destination was.

It is something that comes to all of us and it’s a good idea not to wait until it is too late, best to start thinking about what your “Please Forward” address is going to be.