Laugh and the World Laughs

I think God has a great sense of humor…who else could create a giraffe? Yet I find little humor in people nowadays.  Most of what you see on TV you would not want to share with your grandchildren (and mine are nearly thirty).  The days of Newhart are long gone.

I write up our Church Newsletter and trying to find a joke or two is sometimes difficult but I have discovered that the funniest things happen in everyday life…perhaps that is why Stewart McLean is so popular.

So, today I will share an event I heard about this morning. True or not it is funny.

It seems a couple, who had a dog, were asked to look after their neighbour’s house for a few days. No problem. Then one morning the couple’s dog appeared at their back door with their neighbours dead and bleeding rabbit in its mouth.

So, they rinsed off the dead rabbit, blow-dried it and put it back in its pen.

When the neighbours returned they wanted to know if there had been some strange things happen while they were gone. Then they went on to say, “Our rabbit died before we left, so we buried it in the back yard, but now there is a dead rabbit in our rabbit pen.”

Needless to say there was no explanation given.

One morning I insisted that each of my Friday Bible study group, bring a joke.  We tend to just coffee and chat during the summer months, so a little diversion from our aches and pains is much needed.  It was a great morning and everyone left with a smile on their face.

Laughter is built into us…check your grandchildren watching a silly TV movie…no one sat down and taught them to laugh and yet it bubbles out of them.

We don’t have to be Scrooges…there is joy in living, even if you have problems.  An old friend with M.S. once confessed that she took a bath one day and couldn’t get out of the tub. Her daughter and son-in-law had to rescue her.  Embarrassing yes, but they laughed through the whole episode and she laughed again as she retold the story.

I showed up the other day at our IGA coffee party with a pin curl clip in my hair. A kind friend remarked on my new hair decoration….at least it wasn’t one of my big, blue plastic rollers that I sometimes use.

Life is full of humbling experiences…our job is to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and SMILE.  We are not perfect, but God loves us.


Photograph: “Fotothek df roe-neg 0006311 024 Zuschauer einer Kulturveranstaltung” by Roger RössingDeutsche Fotothek. Licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0-de via Wikimedia Commons.