Monday, October 27, 2014 — Recharging

Today my thoughts are guided by my experiences last night. Last night, for the first time, I became one of THEM. I have always snickered and wondered at them (bad me, I know). But last night, humility found it’s way to me and I understood. Last night I was one of those people huddled around the plug in station at the airport with three devices, using two plugs at a time. Last night, our flight became significantly delayed on our way home from vacation and between myself and my 5 year old, certain electronics HAD to be kept working. Considering how quickly they had run out of batteries, I was amazed at how long they took to re-charge! And it seemed that the longer the line got behind us for the plug, the slower they went!!

It got me to thinking….this vacation for me was a real recharging experience for my soul. My battery had been running incredibly low for a long time, and it was unmistakable that it was time to recharge. Why did I think that my soul’s recharge, the soul that was created to be light and love, created to be full of God, could be put off while a kindle, created to be utilitarian, needed immediate attention? Just as I had to fight for a place at the recharge pole, sometimes we need to fight the world for the ‘right’ to recharge, or fight our own minds over how we should be helping recharge others and we can wait one more day.

We, too, recharge a lot more slowly than we lose energy. This means we need to be vigilant, ‘plugging in’ at the post of God’s energy to keep running on a regular basis, and indeed finding time for Sabbath regularly. Sabbath, a time to let go of our tasks, of the programs running in our heads and hearts (even those background running programs!) and just draw in from the Energy of the One who knows what we need even before we ask. This morning, as we prepare for the week ahead, may we take a moment to recharge, and may we carry the awareness of our need to plug into our higher power regularly. Let us this week promise not to run on our own power, but on our Creator’s instead, and may we be confident our Holy Parent has prepared a place for us at the recharge pole where we are always welcome.

Creator God, thank you for your never ending stream of Love and Light that you send into the world. May we find spots to hook into your Source this week, and may we remember we operate best not when we are working from our own energies and perspectives, but from Yours. For your glory. Amen.

About Lisa Meredith

Lisa Meredith is a Presbyterian pastor in Elm Grove, Wisconsin. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online