Tuesday, October 28, 2014 — Someone Who’s Thinking of You

Good morning friends! I hope last night brought renewing rest safe in the arms of God for all.

Today I woke up singing the song that has been (most wonderfully) stuck in my head since I attended my first Kirtan experience two weeks ago. This song was written by devotional chanter David Newman, and was written while his friend was battling a terminal illness. He wrote it so the friend would know he was always thinking of him, and he was never alone. Today, I offer it to all of us that we might be reminded we are never alone, either.

When he sang it at the event, he left a pause right after the text, “remember there’s someone who is thinking of you” and invited us to silently fill in the name of someone in need of prayer, and then we finished together, “We’re all thinking of you.”

So – as you fill in the ones your heart walks with today, even though your body may be somewhere else, know that today I will be praying for the whole CASA community. Remember, there’s somebody thinking of you!

May we truly: “Be Bold. Be Free. Be beautiful.
Believe. Be Love. Be true to you.
As far and wide, remember there’s someone who’s thinking of you.”

About Lisa Meredith

Lisa Meredith is a Presbyterian pastor in Elm Grove, Wisconsin. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online