Monday, November 3, 2014 — We Come to You This Day

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might (Deuteronomy 6:5)

I love you all: in Christ and through God. It is my deep pleasure to be with you this week. Although we may be spread out, far and near…we are connected in the Spirit of God. Thanks Be.

I feel drawn to explore the Sh’ma Yis’ra’eil this week (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). This will be reflected in the prayers each day.

Let us Pray:
(Breathe deeply…)
We come to you this day, O Lord
…..and we bring you the child in each of us.
One of innocence and hope…
Ready and open: light and free
We remember our imaginations and we meet you…willing to learn….
(Breathe deeply…)
We invite you into our day: into the forgotten forts in our living rooms
Into our day before it becomes a to-do list
Into our day as children looking for adventure and exploring with wonder the places we know so well…
In this time…we simply “are”
In this space: in this time before moments…
Drape us in Your Love and fill us with Your Spirit
(Breathe deeply…)
In this space: in this time before moments….
Wrap us in the safety and warmth of Your Grace.
(Breathe deeply…)
In this space: in this time before moments…
Transform us into a beautiful gift of love for this wide and wild world…
(Breathe deeply…)
In this time before moments…we let the worries of the world fall away
Unwrapping ourselves: finding our youth in the present through memories of the past….
Healing our tender bones (fraught with growing pains and pleasures once more) with the waves of your deep and ancient and ever-flowing Peace…..
In Your Grace…..and in Your Grace upon Grace…we find ourselves again
We embrace ourselves in You.
(Breathe deeply…)
It is now….that we become a part of your Infinite Love
Our cup overflows
And our mind, heart, and strength become full: bursting with Your Presence…
We mature into Your Love but maintain the childlike faith of our Youth…
Questioning and discerning the world in the safety of Your Presence.
Let our day flow as Your Love flows…..
Infinite; abundant; and everlasting….
(Breathe deeply…)

About Gneid Walsh

Gneid Walsh is a United Church minister living in Newfoundland. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online