Thursday, November 6, 2014 — Set Us Ablaze

A prayer-poem written overlooking the rolling hills of Newfoundland on a beautiful, rainy and windy morning:


Dear God

Set us ablaze today with Your Glory and Light
Set fire to our heart and mind and spirit
Set our sails to the wind of Your passion

For Christ lives in the discomfort of the people
For He is in the breaking down and the building up
For He is in the healing and the harrowing

We know Your energy surges all around us
We know it does not consume us

Instead it urges us forward into the day
Instead it encourages us into one anothers’ arms

Like a slow building of embers

We come alive in Your Way



About Gneid Walsh

Gneid Walsh is a United Church minister living in Newfoundland. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online